My intention was to do a post on the "Marsh Family Christmas"
but my computer is in the hospital AGAIN!

I have been working on a mural in the new dental office. Dr. Erin Redwine and Ida Rose-Mize have opened a new location in Tyrone, GA. I did the murals at their old office, and I was delighted when they asked me to join them in their new endeavor!

The theme this time around is "TDG Funland"...carnivals, carousels, ferris wheels...
you get the idea

The TV's you see above are actually attached to playstations...the playstation is behind the TV on the wall. I decided to make it look like a booth at the fair. You Like?
See how the kids in the picture have not been filled in, yet? It is because if I tried to paint them over the green color of the grass, you could see some color and texture bleeding through- boo- no good!

Wa- lah- the children appear!

Coming together!
There is a man with a cotton candy cart on the backside of the roller coaster wall...somehow I managed to leave him out- I will show him later!
In the meantime, Jack said Nanny this morning for the first time. I was pointing to her in a picture that he plays with that I keep beside my bed. He said "Nan-NY"...again with the italian accent, still, it was nanny! He also says "go go go" when we get dressed in the morning. He knows once we hit the den and start putting our shoes on, that we are going bye- bye.
He went for his 18 month check up on Friday. He is 34 inches tall! That is 92 percentile. He is 28 pounds which is 80 percentile. Better than OFF THE CHARTS which is what he was at 4 months!
He is such a little bundle of joy. He is starting to sit on the couch and in his recliner and watch TV. Not for very long amounts of time, but it is so adorable. Sometimes he will even come and lay his little head on my knee...he says "me". He means knee, but I understand!
Hopefully our computer will be out of the Randy General Hospital soon! It has all my treausred pictures. I really need to do a Marsh Family Christmas post before Valentines Day!
He is such a little bundle of joy. He is starting to sit on the couch and in his recliner and watch TV. Not for very long amounts of time, but it is so adorable. Sometimes he will even come and lay his little head on my knee...he says "me". He means knee, but I understand!
Hopefully our computer will be out of the Randy General Hospital soon! It has all my treausred pictures. I really need to do a Marsh Family Christmas post before Valentines Day!