Lately jack has been in the habit of telling Mrs. Kim " I'll call you when I get there", when he
leaves to go home in the afternoons. Yesterday, he added, "I am going to a restaurant, I will call you when I get there".
Kim looked at me expectantly and I just looked back at her with eyebrows raised, thinking, hmmmm...that sounds like a good idea. Dan was working late, so off to the restaurant we went!
I decided Mexican was in order- instant gratification with chips- it's what 2 year olds need!
I was so very proud of Jack. He was SOOO good. A rare treat in a restaurant lately. He is at "that" age! I was going out on a limb braving the trip alone. I am certainly glad that I did!
He was so well behaved. He sat across from me in the booth. Drank out of a cup and straw without turning it upside down (sippycup style), dipped his own chips, talked to the waitress saying please and thank you, ate very well, and then even packed up his own to-go box!
Last night he had a hard time going to sleep. He tried so hard to do it alone! Finally at about 9:30 he started crying out for me. I went and laid down beside him until he fell asleep. It did not take long. This morning when he woke, I brought him in bed with us. He said he had a bad dream. He said the people were coming to get him. I sure hope we don't start with nightmares again.
He has a boo boo on his hand. He held his hand up and said mama...can you take this booboo off? Please?
He asked so sweetly as if I can just take the pain away.... just like that.
I wish I could buddy- I wish I could.
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