I do actually try to make things for my own kid from time to time.
Things sit in my head and marinate WAY to long for my taste.
It seems like by the time I actually get to some things, they are already "stale" in my head.
This littl diddy is way to summery and fresh to be stale. I hope my little man likes it as much as I do!
I have been dying to do a little carrot car for him for easter, so I made the bunny out of seersucker to match the seersucker shorts!
I am working on a little bucket with a carrot car for his easter basket too!

I am ALMOST there on the auburn mural.
One more day for just a few hours should do the trick. It is coming along nicely. I forgot my camera, so this was the only picture that I took.
Here is my pride and joy! He looks so cute with his little collar shirt! Right after I took this, he said "no mommy....don't take it in my eyes"!
And yes, he is sitting on a santa blanket. I still have it out and he uses it for his "breakfast picnic" while I take a shower.
Yeah yeah yeah....we do what we have to to get out the door in the morning!
We have been LOVING our new Tangerine Tambourines album!
They are an awesome band from my hometown of Decatur, AL that plays kid friendly pop music.
You can go to their website and download the album. They just ask that you donate to charitywater to help build a well for people in Africa. What a great casue!You just can't lose on this people SO go download the album and donate whatever you would like! It is for a GREAT cause!
Whevever we get in the car, Jack asks for his NEW MUSIC ( the new tangerine tambourines)
and he dances and sings and slaps his knees. It is SOOO cute. I whipped out the camera when we pulled into Miss Kim's the other morning. If you can possibly make it through him pouting and me singing ( UGGGGHHH) it is worth it at the end of the song when he hears one of his favorite parts!
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