Our day ENDED shopping for pumpkins. We wanted to go to our regular "patch" but it was not open yet. We will save that for another day. Since we had kind of already opened our big mouth and to be honest, Dan is somewhat of a sucker for a pumpkin, we stopped by Home Depot and picked up 1 or 4. They had them all in these tall boxes and Jack could not see. Dan wanted him to pick out the pumpkins, so he sat him inside the box!
Earlier that morning we went to the North Georgia State Fair. From 10-11 am admission and rides were all free so I figured even if it was a bust we wouldn't be out an moulah! Well, turns out it was a hit!
Jack had so much fun riding the rides and seeing the animals.
The funny thing about it was, he was virtually expressionless on every ride.

For a child that is usually super animated, it was a strange thing for Dan and I to see...I was concerned that maybe he was scared, but I can asure you, he "wubbed" it! He had a blast seeing the animals, too. They had all of the barn animals; cows, horses, chickens, ducks. That was really cool. But they also had elephants and tigers!
first state fair from Melanie Marsh on Vimeo.
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