Dear Hydranga,
I will admit...you are not the first to put down roots in the Marsh backyard...there have been others before you. Somehow, previous attempts at hydranga love in my home have wilted under the care of my black thumb. Maybe it was the drought, maybe the timing was all wrong, maybe I was just not ready to commit. I am writing to say that I am ready now. I am through with the excuses. I pledge to love and care for you. I promise to do my part to keep you satisfied if you will do one thing.
GROW! Please grow and flourish and do not die on me and I will faithfully bring you refreshment so that you may continue to do so forever and ever- Amen...
Memaw said you were having a hard time with them . . . Good luck Martha :) ~ KK
not to brag but I HAVE BLOOMS!!! So what does a person do with her blooms??? She CUTS them off, to bring inside!! RJ says..what is the point of having the plant if when it finally has blooms, you cut them?? Men..why?? :) ps - yours are gonna be GREAT, I can feel it!
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