These guys are TOTAL pros!
Not to mention all four of them are adorable in every single way!

Meme came to town for a little two on one with her new precious nieces.
Sophie is checking out her music and light toy

We all got a surprise when Sophie was the one who was awake and Aleah pretty much just slept and ate. You see, it is usually ther other way around!

There were of course some moments like this, when both precious angels were in dream land dreaming of passy's and bottles and mommies and daddies! Those moments equaled about two rounds of two hours each that Auntie Meme joined them and dreamt about little boys with chubby cheeks, and sisters, brothers, mothers and cousins who all live in the same town, and boats that are not stuck in gear!

Sophie's tiny toes- I was amazed at how tiny they were!
I mean, I am sure that it is not always a bed of roses, but you would never know it by spending time with the little family! Mom and Dad are doing a GREAT job. Even if they are a little sleep deprived (times two babies...two feedings...two burps...two diaper changes...) Think about it- feed , burp, change, sleep, repeat- wow! they are my heros!

The little cuties cooperated PERFECTLY! One would wake, I would feed burp, snuggle, put back to bed, then I would wake the other and repeat. They never even got a chance to crank up a good cry- which is good because I am certain that momma would not have continued to sleep if she had heard them crying! The new parents got a good 9 hours before I woke them and we all went to I-HOP for some well deserved pancakes, and crepes! YUM!

YUCK..seriously people. These babies are one month old and I have THIS picture- THIS picture that makes me look like a scary monster! Please if anyone is listening, please help me remember that I want a picture with them before they get as big as me!
But seriously....kudos to Jarah and Josh..you guys are doing a beautiful job with these girls. I am so proud of you!
That is so awesome! Congratulations!!
thanks so much! Hope you feeling well little momma!
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