In case you did not know this about me...
I will tell you.
I am a children's music expert...

I qualify as a music expert because I played the flute for an entire year in the 6th grade band,
I listened to Pearl Jam in college, and I cry at marching bands ( no joke- every time).
I qualify for the children's music part because I worked in child care through college, I have a small child and because I am the mental equivalent of a 6 year old.

This is why I find it is imperative that I share with you my latest discovery...
Tangerine Tambourine, a children's band from Alabama.
Ever get so tired of listening to the same old "kiddie" versions of The Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to the point that you want to rip your car radio out and leave it behind in a cloud of burned rubber?
Is this thing on???
OK, maybe it is just me, but I was so refreshed to FINALLY find something that Blu and I can enjoy together because in case you missed it- my boy has got soul! He loves the music and cries until I turn his... I mean, MY IPod on to some children's music everytime we get into the car!

My sister shared the news with me that a children's band was to be playing at the Halloween Hoot in beautiful downtown Decatur on the very day that we planned to attend said Hoot. I was so excited BEFORE I even realized that one of the core members was an old childhood friend of mine. ***Shout out to Jeff Sharp*** That just made it all the more delish!
I immediately went to check out their website. I only listened to a couple of songs and I was hooked! I love the whole CD.
Good thing I went ahead and got the CD BEFORE the concert. Jack and I already knew most all of the songs. It was his first concert. I wanted him to be prepared, and like I said, I am a children's music expert.

Check out the website...
unless you are not into children's music that ROCKS!
SO I am dying to know...what do you think???
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