You know the smell. Hot hair in the morning. Not sure if that is a phenomenon that most girls are familiar with these days. I know one girl who is. Everyday when I drop Jack off at Ms. Kim's, she is straightening her daughter Courtney's hair for school. They say that scents are a very strong reminder fo things from your past. It is SO true that every time I smell Courtney's hot hair, it takes me back. Not to days of striaghtening hair....oh no...I am a child of the 80's. My mornings were spent trying to make my hair BIG! I too had a little help from my mom. She used to hot roll my hair EVERY morning for me!
My mom did a lot of things for me. She always made sure that I had the perfect dress for every occasion ( from prom to playing the part of the step-mother in the school play) , she taxi-ied me around to all my cheerleading practices/sorority functions, let my best girlfriends spend the night every month or so, let me stay home from school when I was too tired to go on, helped me with my homework, washed my clothes, brought me breakfast in bed so I could lay there and watch cartoons while I "woke up", gave me the best 13th birthday party EVER, taught me right from wrong, instilled in me a strong work ethic, showed me how to be resourceful, and taught me how to cook and sew ( two things that everyone should learn)... and this is just to name a few of the things she has done for me. Through all of these things, be it the daily chore of hot rolling and teasing my hair or a lesson I learned by her example, she taught me how to be a mother.
Now that I am a mom myself, I look back on my life and shudder just knowing all of the hard work that my mom put into getting me where I am today. She gave my sister and brother and me such a joyful childhood and taught us how to lead full, productive lives. We are all so close still and love each other so very much. Thank you mom for everything you have done and for being such a wonderful mother!
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