Could my day get any better? I am not sure but it feels lucky so far so I plan to buy a lottery ticket tonight!
The weather is oh so wonderful and mild, Jack finally got a good night's sleep last night, my boss is back from her 10 day vacation, my husband is probably not going to be working late as much, I got to eat lunch at MY NEW FAVORITE OBSESSION, Canvas, and I got to eat it with two of the greatest gals I know, AND,
are you ready?
drumroll please....
I got to hold Stacy's new baby girl- Carrie!
OK- so my day would be more perfect if I had taken a picture of the little cutie pie, but, I will settle with the holding her.

I intended to get things done ahead of time, but with the last minute things happening with mom's blood clot in her lungs(I know, it IS a big deal- another post another time)...I got a bit distracted and didn't get to put this little beauty together until last night!

Baby's first Christmas. Such a precious time for a precious little family.
It was great to catch up with Stacy. She managed to corral me and Leigh Anne together while she was still on maternity leave. Leigh Anne, Stacy, and I worked together at a staffing company called AOC back at the turn of the century....( wow- that sounded weird, but it is true 1999-2001-ish). It was so nice to sit on the deck in the warm sunshine, talk about our babies and eat yummy food. It was similar to what we used to do after work at AOC, except back then, it was not so much about yummy food but more about yummy drinks, and definitely no talk of babies. Too bad we couldn't stay longer. Hopefully we will get all three boys together for a play date soon!
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