The day before picture day, was a day for a traditional summer field trip..we went to the zoo!
KK and Grace arrived at our house on Wednesday afternoon and bright and early on Thursday morning, we headed downtown to visit Zoo Atlanta.
First stop was the children's playground! The playground is at the "end of the zoo". In other words, most people start at the Flamingos and work their way around, but my friend Leigh Anne advised that stopping at the playground first is a good idea and keeps you out of the main traffic! Good call Leigh Anne! After the long ride down, the playground was in order to help run off a little pent up energy. What was even more perfect was that there was a school bus on the playground. Do not ask me why, but Jack has a thing for school buses, so naturally he played on the bus FIRST! I think he was a little startled that I actually squeezed in with him:)

ALL ABOARD! Oh sorry, that is train talk...that will come in a couple of weeks at his birthday party!

Grace enjoyed the hors-ie!

The cousins had fun playing on the teeter totter together!

It didn't take long for us to move on to the rides. I figured, why not do the fun stuff while Jack was not tired and ready for a nap...
Grace was a big girl and sat ALL BY HERSELF on the train! I kept trying to reach back and hold her hand...especially when we went under the tunnel. She kept pulling her hand away and looking at me like I had two heads. I mean...come on....she is 5! Duh, Meme, she is practically grown!

Jack decided he was more comfortable sitting on my lap! Works for me!

This picture was shot before the final seating arrangement was determined. See Grace with that map? She was directing us around all day!

Jack was digging the albino peacock, too! It really was pretty neat.

Here we have the little boogers near the Meerkat exhibit. I did not think Jack would cooperate but he loved it! He was sticking his head all the way through!

We took a little break and KK bought us a round of Dippin Dots and Tummy Yummies (bottled koolaid is the best I can figure). KK took the opportunity to work really hard on getting a picture!

Well, look likes all the straining paid off- she got the Jack scrunchy face that I have come to love SOOO much!
On a quick side note- while the pizza that we had for lunch and the snacks and drinks available were yummy, I thought it was worth sharing for those of you that do not know, you can bring in your own stuff. I saw lots of people with coolers, etc... It would be awesome to take a little picnic lunch. They had plenty of places around to sit and eat that were not necessarily associated with one of their restaurants. We are first time zoo members and so we are all paid up on admission. A trip to the zoo really can be an inexpensive way for us to have a family day and learn a lot in the process!
Don't you love KK's sunglasses? Man, that girl always has the best shades!
This is exhibit never ceases to amaze me! I am always taken back by how very human like the gorillas are.
At this point in the day, it was WAAAAY past Jack's nap time and starting to show. We were hot, tired, smelly, and sticky! We were at the end(or what some would consider the beginning)and all we had left were the Flamingos. We checked them out for a minute, then it was off to the car to begin the trek home.
I was just starting to look forward to the auto ignition on my car (a luxury that I highly recommend to people who have young children) when Grace ruffled her little map and chimed in "hey, we did not see the zebras". Kelly and I shot a look and then I launched into a little story about how the zebras were not feeling good, so they were not out for us to see right now. Man, I know I win "terrible aunt of the year award", but it was just one of those moments.
This tactic worked for a moment, until Grace studied the map for just a moment more and realized that we had neglected to stop at the elephants, too! DANG YOU MAP!
OK- the gig was up! I mean, even "terrible aunt of the year" knows that you cannot go to the zoo and NOT see the elephants.
SOOOO, back into the zoo we went. We saw the elephants and man they were big and stinky!
SOOOO, back into the zoo we went. We saw the elephants and man they were big and stinky!
I have no documentation of this because well, I was just out of steam!
Much like I have run out of material for this post...so until next time...later gators (yep, we saw those, too)!!
Much like I have run out of material for this post...so until next time...later gators (yep, we saw those, too)!!
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