Where do I start?
Having you in my life has made the last two years the best yet! I thank God for entrusting me to be your caretaker in this life of ours. You are such a sweet, smart, funny little thing. The wonders never cease. I look at you, and I see proof that miracles do happen. It amazes your father and I how much you have grown into your own little self. It delights and terrifies us how much of ourselves we see in you. Just this morning as I put the dogs in their crates, you poked your little fingers in to try to pet them and said, "WuWu, I wub you"(translation- LuLu, I love you). Whoah...the same thing I do everyday. Scary to think how each thing I do touches your little world and molds and shapes you. When you get upset and furrow your little brow, you look like a miniature version of your father.
You love to drink milk and eat french fries. The sight of you with a cupcake thrills me (and gives your dad a nervous breakdown) as you hold it from the bottom and go into the icing face first! You always ask for George when it is time to sleep. You are a good sleeper- thank you for that! You are a lover of all things boating and water and we could not be happier about that! Jumping into the water has to be your favorite pastime!
Jack, you make our life fun every single day. In the interest of keeping it real, I will say that you also test our patience to the very end of the rope every single day. Still, you are all things magnificent to us...beautiful star stuff that cannot be described!
Have a Happy Birthday Son! I love you to the moon and back!
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