It was high time for some of this.....

Me and my sister and brother are VERY close. We are all in different towns these days. Since my brother turned 21 two summers ago, we have talked a big talk about all going "OUT" together. Be it pregnancy, scheduling conflicts, whatever the case may have been, we could never quite work it out......
Until this past weekend! Man oh Man did we do it up right! Black Label, this band that my sister LOVES, was playing at the Brick. The Brick is a hang out in my home town. We packed up and headed out for a night of food, drinks, dancing and laughs! We had such a great time together. It was SOOOO nice to cut loose ( that's me in the miller light cheers-ing on the left).

(WOW! I need a tan and a steady diet of water and lettuce...I will just blame it on Jack for a little while longer! OK, OK, for the sake of documentation, I will grin and bear the horrible picture of myself, cause my sista and J to the B-ro look fabulous!)
We had such a great time together. I must admit, it was a mighty tame night compared to some of my old exploits, but in my old age, I cannot deny that I was getting tired and ornery by the time the lights came up in the bar- oh yeah...we closed it down! We even did a drive by to Krystals. GUT BOMBS ALL AROUND! Thanks for joining us, Tina! I am glad the whole dead guy on the balcony thing ended up being's a long story. " Shut the Front Door!" You just had to be there!