I was the epitome of a first time mom on this first Valentine's Day. I found out that Ms. Kim was having a party for the kids at school and jumped at the chance to put together my first school Valentine's. I am recording this momentous occasion so that 10 years from now when I HATE putting together treats for Jack's class parties, I can reminisce about the days when I thought it was cute and fun! My genius sister gave me the idea to make goody bags with fruit snacks and juice boxes, so I got my favorite Welch's fruit snacks and the cutest tiniest juice boxes with Elmo on them. Dan helped me stuff the goody bags. I was so proud of us! Anyway, my hero, Kim, took pictures of the adorable class. They were all dressed in pink and red ( so glad I did not opt for the blue stripes that morning!) I love the Valentine she made with the picture and sent home! She said it only took 30 tries. Jack got all sorts of little cute tinkerbell and fairy valentines. His class is all girls with only one exception as you can see from the picture! Messiah gave him a blue's clue's valentine. I did not know what kind of character to get, so I got generic cat and dog valentine's from Jack. They were the 3D kind that the picture changed when they moved. Dan hated them....oh well! That is my Valentine for ya!
1 comment:
Look at our big boy! I want a Jack kiss :) I love ya'll
Auntie KK
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