Friday, September 28, 2012

SGI- We Love You So!

We had an amazing beach get away a couple of weeks ago.
I closed the shop for a week, but I am still terribly behind. I am so grateful that I am so busy, but my goodness...I am so busy!

So anyway, it is totally worth it to have had this time with my family.
These little boys have stolen my heart and I do not think I will ever be the same.
I had so much fun building castles in the sand with Blu.....

And Blu....well Blu had his fun knocking them down!

We were up past our bedtimes, up waaay too early each morning and did not get naps.
So we had a few frowny faces and pouts.

This was an especially tricky evening!
He did get his second wind later!

Shepherd was a perfect little doll baby as usual. He is such a laid back baby!

I guess he doesn't have much choice with the way that we drag him around!
He spent most of his beach time in his carrier...with a fan to keep him cool of course. We tried laying him on the towel, but that blasted sand is everywhere and he kept getting it in his sweet eyes and mouth.
This was Blu's pose at the end of every day. OUT COLD!
Do you get carried away with sunrise and sunset pictures at the beach? I am always in such awe of the beauty that I take the same sunrise picture over and over!

This baby is so adorable. I dressed him for the pool two days in a row, but the poor little fella was just so tuckered out, he slept right through pool time!
No hurry...there will be plenty of time for swimming next year!

Sunrise off our pretty!

I love this kid!

We had so much fun searching for treasures on the beach on our last day.
We found the most GIANT shell and I thought we were both going to lose our minds we were so excited!

Goodbye Saint George Island. We will miss you until next year ( hopefully!)

Friday, September 7, 2012

These are the days....

It is all happening so fast! Somebody slow it down pleeeease!
Blu is in Pre-K? Seems like it was just yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital and I was crying because he had to lay on a bilirubin bed whenever he wasn't eating and it felt like the end of the world because I could not hold him every.single.second.

Now he says things like..."mom, I really do not like that loud hand blower ( public restroom). Can I just dry my hands on your pants"?
"Mom, look into my eyes when I am talking to you" ( as he turns my chin towards him with his hands).
"My eyes are sweating", when he is tired or has been swimming too much.

 Shepherd is growing waaay to fast, too. I forgot how fast that first year zips by. In my sleep deprived state, I have been doing a pretty poor job of organizing pictures of him.

Jack got up on his first try on his new trainer ski. He was not scared, but not especially keen on trying it again...oh well, I don't want to push!

Look at this little guy. How did he grow so fast? It AMAZES me!
He is so sweet and a such good baby. I count my blessings every day! He is sleeping from about 8 until around 6. AWESOME, I KNOW! He only takes short little cat naps during the day, though, which drives me CRAZY! Oh well, like I said, he is good!
Love my boys!